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Lessons from experienced operators – case studies in critical decision making

Wednesday, November 6, 2024
11:30 AM - 11:50 AM
TRECC - Papers Room


Marty Hancock - Water RA


Marty Hancock
Research Manager
Water Research Australia

Lessons from experienced operators – case studies in critical decision making



Marty has over 25 years' experience in the water and education sectors. For 12 years he led an operations team for a local government utility. During this time Marty has had a particular focus on water quality assurance and treatment process optimisation. He has also combined his educational experience with the industry need for highly qualified and experienced operators and has been instrumental in developing operator resources and training operators for the water industry. Currently Marty works as a Research Manager with Water Research Australia where he manages projects on water, wastewater and recycled water processes, catchment management and water quality.